James Maddox

Manhattan Associates

MA Active Inventory

MA Active Inventory

Project overview

The Problem

Manhattan Associates warehouse customers were having visibility issues. There was constant user feedback that the current solution were dated, the experience was not engaging, and was tailored only to the buyers. This created buyer dependencies, lacked the ability to gather insights into their operations, and there were lengthy workflow processes.

The Process

To solve these issues we needed to engage in a 3 day design workshop that included Design, Development, Data, Marketing, and Product. We worked together to gather data around what our current solution does well, what our competitor solutions were offering, and understand what opportunities we have in the space that would add value for our existing and future customers.

Workshop - Activity 1

Ideation Elaboration Exercises

During the Ideation phase, we needed to identity the pain points and opportunities. We explored the What, Who, When, How, and Why.To do this it took a cross functional team effort. We needed to know who this product would help and what we were offering these users.

Workshop - Activity 2

Exploration Exercises

Before jumping into the exploration phase, it was important that we were all still aligned with the decisions made during the Ideation phase.

Next, we did a problem statement exercise and persona workshop session. After identifying the 3 personas for this product, we made a list of important features based on each persona.

Lastly, as a team we did a cereal box pitch session to instill empathy for the user and to gain further alignment on the idea of the solution.

Workshop - Activity 3

Finalize & Shape Exercises

The next steps in the process includes the following:

Flow Definition:

  • The flow definition should include all of the different ramifications of the app functionality, including onboarding, profile creation, main navigational components, and feature definition enhancements.

Scenario delineation, which should contemplate:

  • Success Scenario
  • Partial Scenario
  • Loading Scenario
  • Error Scenario

Elements/Features to focus on

The common denominator of the features being created were anchored on the following items:

  • Metrics
  • Communication (towards Buyers for instance)
  • Evolution of data/timeliness of data
  • Categorization of data
  • Notifications (application updates for instance)
  • User Profile
  • Search functionality

The specific metrics that relate to the project include:

  • Inventory layers (presentation stock, safety stock, cycle stock, SKU requirements, Order requirements, Overstock, etc.)
  • Service level and in-stock %
  • Forecast accuracy (with/without planned demand)
  • Inventory turns



Sign In Process

Dashboard, Notifications, Help, Metrics

Dashboard, Communications

SKU Flow

Visual Design Mockups